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SKU ST00033
The AAC Clyde Space OPTIMUS series CubeSat batteries are one of the most flying batteries. With hundreds of units shipped to missions around the world and hundreds of units in orbit, our batteries offer an unparalleled orbital legacy. Our batteries also incorporate features such as thermostat-controlled heaters and sensors. The combination of a series of cells connected in parallel and cell-protected electronics means that our CubeSat battery is robust, elastic and provides inherent redundancy. In addition, protected parallel strings allow you to easily and safely scale your battery to meet different mission requirements. Unlike many companies in the industry, they buy large quantities of battery cells and then test the cells extensively for LOT acceptance. During this process, most of the cells will meet NASAISS requirements. High quality cells and batteries are ideal for use in difficult space environments. Rocket developers cannot seize the opportunity to choose a battery because it is so important to the success of the mission. Over the past decade, we have already demonstrated excellent in-orbit performance in over 100 missions, and our batteries have passed all inspections.